Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Askdrgion Blog

Dr. Giovanni De Domenico has written some interesting articles on electrotherapy for MedFaxx. He also is in process of creating online education materials with PowerPoint and mp3 audio for the following:

  1. ‘A Healthy Body is an Electric Soup’
  2. Electrophysical Agents: What are they and what are they used for ?
  3. A brief History of Electrotherapy
  4. Basic Concepts in Electrotherapy
  5. ‘Sensory’ Stimulation
  6. ‘Painful’ Stimulation
  7. ‘Motor’ (muscle) Stimulation
  8. Traditional ‘Low Frequency’ Currents
  9. Medium Frequency Currents
  10. Interferential Therapy - History and Basic Concepts
  11. Interferential Therapy - Methods of Application
  12. Interferential Therapy - Management of Acute Pain
  13. Interferential Therapy - Management of Chronic Pain
  14. Interferential Therapy - Muscle stimulation

You can find more about your specific diagnosis by using Dr. DeDomenico's blog, AskDrGion.